RTS - Fireflies | News | bradfordera.com

2022-07-29 20:29:00 By : Mr. Andy Ouyang

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Clear to partly cloudy. Low 56F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph..

Clear to partly cloudy. Low 56F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph.

SPARKS OF MAGIC on summer nights, is how a child might explain the sight of the magical flashing lights of fireflies. It is quite mysterious to the layman how these tiny insects — which are actually beetles, not flies — produce their iridescent blinking lights.

Bioluminescence is the process fireflies and other organisms use to produce their magical glow. Bioluminescence is a chemical reaction which involves oxygen, the light-emitting compound known as luciferin and the activating enzyme, luciferase. Which is just a fancy explanation for when these three things combine, they create a pulse of light.

Fireflies spend most of the year underground, only to emerge in June and July to flash their “money-maker” to attract a mate. According to Firefly.org, there are more than 170 species of fireflies in North America alone, with over 2,000 known species world-wide. And each species blinks their own unique, specific code from their abdomen to attract a mate.

Fireflies, much like bumble bees, are essential to a healthy ecosystem — for both their roles as predator and prey. When fireflies are just babies, in their larvae form they are carnivorous, eating snails, slugs and earthworms. As adults, the scientific consensus seems to be that fireflies do not eat at all during this stage due to their primary purpose and focus being on mating.

Fireflies do not sting or bite, and besides the fact that they are aesthetically pleasing to watch they also pose absolutely no threat to gardens or crops. Yet even though they cause no harm, evidence shows that many firefly species are declining. Do your part to keep these magical creatures thriving by becoming a member of Firefly Watch to help monitor firefly populations.

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